“It’s easy, affordable and efficient!” Read one parent’s POA story

When Jennifer Dudley McBride learned her daughter would be going to college at the University of Tennessee, many things went through her mind. Joy, excitement, and a lengthening list of things to get in order before the fall semester.
After seeing mentions of Mama Bear Legal Forms’ Young Adult POA service in the parents forum for the University of Tennessee, Jennifer realized this was an important document she needed to get in order before her daughter left for school.

“Parents were asking about young adult POAs for their college students in the forum and one parent after another would tag Mama Bear Legal Forms as a solution,” she says. “When I started seeing them in my Facebook feed, I knew it was time to research it further.”
Research and reviews led Jennifer to Mama Bear
Jennifer read numerous reviews and researched online to confirm what parents in the University of Tennessee forum were saying about Mama Bear’s POA forms. After seeing one positive review after another, Jennifer decided to move forward.
Young Adult Power of Attorney forms in 20 minutes
Once Jennifer started the process of creating young adult POAs for her daughter, she was quickly finished.
“It was so easy. I was done in 20 minutes. There was no expensive attorney or anything. It was super duper easy,” Jennifer says.
After heading to a friend’s house to get the forms printed and notarized, Jennifer put them in a folder, keeping one copy on hand and another in a safe.
“It just feels so good knowing that if anything happens while she’s at school, she’s protected and we will be able to get the information we need to help her should anything unforeseen arise,” she says. “Even though she’s not far away, I feel like my daughter is protected. Now we have all the legal documents we need to protect our family should the need arise.”
Jennifer Dudley McBride
Why Jennifer recommends Mama Bear Legal Forms
“I would absolutely recommend Mama Bear. It’s affordable and easy. You don’t have to go through the process of hiring an attorney, which can be difficult and time consuming,” she says. “I’m protected. My daughter is protected. That’s all that matters. I’m so glad I came across this before I sent my daughter off to college!”
Why You Need a Young Adult Power of Attorney Form
In case Jennifer’s story alone doesn’t convince you, consider the following reasons why you should consider putting a power of attorney form in place for your college student.
Many important legal changes occur when someone becomes a legal adult:
- Parents no longer have the right to make medical decisions for their child
- Parents are not authorized to help adult children manage financial issues
- Banks and insurance companies will no longer talk with parents about a child’s account or health condition
Every parent or legal guardian assumes they have automatic authority to handle decisions for their children, even after they become adults. But once your child turns 18, you no longer have the right to make medical or financial decisions for them.
Absent a power of attorney form and healthcare power of attorney form, you are not authorized to help adult children manage their financial, legal or healthcare decisions.
More POA stories
Would you like to hear from more parents about their experience with Mama Bear Legal Forms? In addition to addressing common questions, hear from these individuals about their POA stories:
- Sara Smith’s sends her daughter to school
- Jason learns why being a doctor isn’t enough to help his son
Putting a POA in place now takes the catastrophe of becoming incapacitated without the power to name someone you trust to make life and death decisions for you off the table.
Take the next step
Ready to get your Young Adult POA Package? Mama Bear Legal Forms provides law firm quality, state-specific documents that are easy to create, simple to download and at $79, are incredibly affordable.
All three of the forms we offer in our Young Adult Package are legally valid in all states and include guidance on how to complete them.
It only takes ten minutes to create the three documents your child needs to have everything secured before they head off for spring break. Get yours now.