Make Your Will With Mama Bear & Save 20%

You finally did it. Congratulations. You got your child graduated from high school and on to the next phase of life. You successfully launched them into the world.
And, because you’re reading this, you already know about Mama Bear Legal Forms and how we help parents create young adult power of attorney forms for their adult children.
You know how easy it was, and how important.
But there’s another form you need to be concerned about. And, thanks to Mama Bear, it’s just as easy to complete.
That’s right. A will. Do you have one? Or, do you have one but you haven’t looked at it for 20 years? Don’t worry. You can get this important legal document squared away in 20 minutes or less.
If you’re already convinced about your need to create or update your will, skip to the end now, grab your code and get going. If you need a little more data, keep reading.
Why you need a will
A will outlines your wishes for the legal care of your children and the distribution of your property and assets upon your passing.
**Read Kyle’s Will Story – “You don’t want to wait until you need a will to create one.”**
Wills are for everyone. Not just people with money or little ones.
But, if you’re like many people, you already know that. released its 2023 Wills and Estate Planning Study and found that 64% of Americans think it’s very or somewhat important to have an estate plan, but only 34% actually have one.
They also found that 69% of survey respondents believe you should have a will before you turn 55 years old, but only 46% of Americans that age or older have one.
Why is there such a disconnect? In a word, life.
Why you don’t have a will (yet)
Most people put off creating their will because they’re busy.
Busy raising kids.
Busy running errands.
Busy working.
Busy attending sporting events and going to graduation parties.
Busy with life.
But life is exactly what you protect when you create your will.
Another reason many people put off getting their will done is time. It’s a common misconception that creating your will takes a long time and costs hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
**Read Michael’s Will Story – “Something I put off for five or six years, I got done in 20 minutes.”**
Mama Bear has tackled all three of those common reasons people don’t get a will (too busy, not enough time, too expensive) with our will package. In less time than it takes to eat lunch, you can protect your family, gain peace of mind and create a legally binding will that details your wishes for your estate.
Our attorney-built documents are state-specific and legally binding and only cost $159. We also throw in two other important documents free – a health care power of attorney and a financial power of attorney.
And you can add your spouse’s will for just $90.
It’s fast, easy and affordable. Whether you’re making a will for the first time, or need to update a will you made years ago, there’s no reason for you not to create your will today.
Why you haven’t updated your will (yet)
Maybe you created a will 20 years ago, when you started a family, and haven’t updated it since. If so, you’re in good company.
That’s incredibly common. But just because it’s common, doesn’t mean it’s good.
Ask yourself three questions:
- Do I have the correct people named in my will? If I die tonight, who will my children go to? Who will serve as their guardian or trustee?
- Do I have my assets going to the right people at an appropriate age?
- Has anyone been born, married or passed away since I created my will and does that impact my intentions?
It may be that the family you named to care for your children in the event of your untimely death has moved to a different state, or encountered circumstances that no longer allow them to care for your children in your absence.
Or, you may have your home or other valuable assets going to someone who has passed away unexpectedly. After the shock and grief wore off, life rushed in and you completely forgot to update your will.
Or, you could have expanded your family since you created your will. You could have gone through divorce and remarriage. All of these are incredibly important reasons to update your will.
Thankfully, Mama Bear has made it easy for you to create your will, or update it, quickly and affordably.
Get started and save 20% today!
So, now that you have been reminded about how important it is to update or create your will, why not take care of it? Save 20% by entering promo code “2024SAVE20“.